First visit
When you meet your chiropractor for the first time, she/he will start with a discussion about you, your health and your reasons for asking for chiropractic care.You will be asked for a great deal of information, not just about the pain or complaint that may have brought you to the clinic, but also about your past health history. Some of the questions may appear irrelevant, but they are extremely important to your chiropractor. To ensure that chiropractic care is appropriate for your condition, she/he will need to establish your overall health picture. If chiropractic appears not to be suitable for you, you will be referred to your GP or relevant specialist.Your details are confidential. No one else will be allowed to see your notes without your permission.
This video may give you some idea of what to expect. If you have any questions prior to your visit to a chiropractor, call the clinic to discuss them.